Hannover Organ
Transplant Summit

current trends in translational research



Hannover Organ
Transplant Summit

current trends in translational research



Hannover Organ
Transplant Summit

current trends in translational research


Poster Session 1

November 22, 2024 | 10:30-11:30

Seminar 6 | P1-P14

Poster No. P-1

CORE 100 Summary – Study Proposal: “Everolimus bAsed caLcineurin inhibiTor frEe immunosuppRession oNe year AfTer lIver transplantatiON

R. Taubert, Hannover


Poster No. P-2

Early biopsy based risk prediction of long-term renal graft function by digitally quantified macrophage densities

C. Thesenvitz, Hannover


Poster No. P-3

VEGF-C-application and the regeneration and reconnection of autotransplanted lymph node fragments in rats: the effects of time point, location and dosage

R. Pabst, Hannover


Poster No. P-4

NKG2D-Signaling Plays a Crucial Role in Natural Killer Cell-Mediated Clearance of Senescent Renal Tubular Cells

N. D. Funk, Hannover


Poster No. P-5

Characterization of microrna in normothermic mschine perfuison of the rat liver

P.-F. Koch, Berlin


Poster No. P-6

The transcriptomic profile of antibody-mediated rejection is independent from the presence of donor specific antibodies

A. Campos Murguía, Hannover


Poster No. P-7

Molecular risk-stratification for individualized immunosuppression in patients after liver transplantation using rejection-associated transcripts

A. Campos Murguía, Hannover


Poster No. P-8

Pilot, open, prospective, randomized, multicenter trial on quality assessment of declined liver grafts by normothermic ex vivo machine perfusion for decreasing time to transplantation (ExTRA-Trial)

K. A. Walter, Berlin


Poster No. P-9

Hemopexin alleviates sterile inflammation in ischemia-reperfusion-induced lung injury

T. Nakagiri, Hannover


Poster No. P-10

State-of-the-art in patient education programs for solid organ transplantation patients

A.-L. Mazhari, Hannover


Poster No. P-11

Enhancing Transparency and Quality: The Impact of the German Transplantation Registry on Healthcare and Research

M. Grohmann, Leipzig


Poster No. P-12

HCMV vaccine candidate identification for sot recipients: ULBP2-expressing HCMV mutants affect NK cell function and activation

G. Meyer, Hannover


Poster No. P-13

HCMV vaccine candidate identification for sot recipients: ULBP2-expressing HCMV mutants modulate NKG2D expression and function of CD8+ T cells

I. Bevzenko, Hannover


Poster No. P-14

Soluble immune mediator profiling identifies immunological conditioning of ex vivo perfused lungs associated with the severity of primary graft dysfunction (PGD)

E. Chichelnitskiy, Hannover


Seminar 5 | P29-P42

Poster No. P-29

Development of a Porcine Hepatocyte Spheroid Model for Long-Term In Vitro Liver Perfusion: Analysis of Preservation Conditions and Spheroid Viability

H. Linge, Hannover


Poster No. P-30

Plasma immune signatures can predict rejection-free survival in the first year after pediatric liver transplantation

E. Chichelnitskiy, Hannover


Poster No. P-31

Identification of cellular and molecular biomarkers in end-stage lung parenchyma and lymph nodes associated with disease progression and post-transplant outcome

E. Chichelnitskiy, Hannover


Poster No. P-32

Core signature of rejection-specific cytokines and chemokines in heart biopsies after transplantation

J. Kühne, Hannover


Poster No. P-33

Transient peripheral chimerism in lung transplant recipients does not correlate with pgd but clad

J. Kühne, Hannover


Poster No. P-34

Longitudinal dynamics of the NK cell repertoire after lung transplantation and their potential role for control of CMV reactivation

L.-M. Hagen, Hannover


Poster No. P-35

The role of tissue resident versus circulating lymphocytes in pediatric lung transplantation

A. Brüggemann, Hannover


Poster No. P-36

Frequency and correlates of non-adherence in a large sample of patients after kidney transplantation: A KTx360° substudy

M. Nöhre, Hannover


Poster No. P-37

Advances in Xenotransplantation: Evaluation of αGal-KO Porcine livers using Normothermic Machine Perfusion

S. Störzer, Hannover


Poster No. P-38

A 10-year Single Centre Analysis of Liver Retransplantation – Indications and Outcomes

C. van Beekum, Hannover


Poster No. P-39

Car-T cells and trucks that recognize an EBNA-3C-derived epitope presented on HLA-B*35 control Epstein-Barr Virus-associated lymphoproliferation

A. C. Dragon, Hannover


Poster No. P-40

Next generation engineered TCR-T cells with inducible expression of IL-18 as novel tool to treat various EBV-associated malignancies

P. Mausberg, Hannover


Poster No. P-41

Granzyme-B-equipped Exosomes from Cell Lines for Killing of Target Cells (GECKO-T)

A. Bonifacius, Hannover


Poster No. P-42

Multiplexed engineered T cells overcoming antibody-mediated rejection (CORA-TS) multi-specifically deplete alloreactive B cells to prevent transplant rejection

A. C. Dragon, Hannover


Poster Session 2

November 22, 2024 | 13:30-14:30

Seminar 6 | P15-P28

Poster No. P-15

Checkpoint inhibitors in the lung – implications for lung transplantation and tumor treatment

W. Rackwitz, Hannover


Poster No. P-16

Early regional ventilation assessment with MRI in patients after bilateral lung transplantation in comparison to age- and sex- matched healthy subjects

M. Heinze, Hannover


Poster No. P-17

Impact of end-stage lung diseases on the immune cell composition in lung parenchyma

C. A. Pawlow, Hannover


Poster No. P-18

Soluble immune mediator ratios may provide additional insight into the immunological alterations in graft and plasma of lung transplanted patients

M. M. Wiemann, Hannover


Poster No. P-19

Evaluation of αGal-KO Porcine Lungs Using Normothermic Machine Perfusion in a collaborative perfusion hub

R. Ramm, Hannover


Poster No. P-20

Multicompartmental analysis of the microbiome in the context of liver transplantation

F. Haak, Leipzig


Poster No. P-21

TCMR-induced epithelial injury patterns in kidney transplants

L. Jahn, Hannover


Poster No. P-22

Generation and functional assessment of iPSC-derived macrophages with immunomodulatory properties

E. Nikolouli, Hannover


Poster No. P-23

Genetic modifications in the context of pulmonary xenotransplantation: Analysis of the interaction of human blood and porcine lung endothelial cells in a microfluidic chamber

Y. Rode, Hannover


Poster No. P-24

Functional MRI detects ventilation and perfusion deficits in paediatric lung transplant recipients

J. Carlens, Hannover


Poster No. P-25

EBV-specific immunity and humoral factors as early markers for PTLD development in high risk transplanted pediatric patients

R. Schultze-Florey, Hannover


Poster No. P-26

Informational Needs of Patients before an Abdominal Organ Transplantation

T. Linge, Hannover


Poster No. P-27

Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified regulatory T cells for graft acceptance in allo- and xenotransplantation

F. Noyan, Hannover


Poster No. P-28

influence of hypothermic and normothermic machine perfusion on renal grafts using a murine model of machine perfusion

R. Camiletti, Berlin


Seminar 5 | P29-P50

Poster No. P-29

Development of a Porcine Hepatocyte Spheroid Model for Long-Term In Vitro Liver Perfusion: Analysis of Preservation Conditions and Spheroid Viability

H. Linge, Hannover


Poster No. P-30

Plasma immune signatures can predict rejection-free survival in the first year after pediatric liver transplantation

E. Chichelnitskiy, Hannover


Poster No. P-31

Identification of cellular and molecular biomarkers in end-stage lung parenchyma and lymph nodes associated with disease progression and post-transplant outcome

E. Chichelnitskiy, Hannover


Poster No. P-32

Core signature of rejection-specific cytokines and chemokines in heart biopsies after transplantation

J. Kühne, Hannover


Poster No. P-33

Transient peripheral chimerism in lung transplant recipients does not correlate with pgd but clad

J. Kühne, Hannover


Poster No. P-34

Longitudinal dynamics of the NK cell repertoire after lung transplantation and their potential role for control of CMV reactivation

L.-M. Hagen, Hannover


Poster No. P-35

The role of tissue resident versus circulating lymphocytes in pediatric lung transplantation

A. Brüggemann, Hannover


Poster No. P-36

Frequency and correlates of non-adherence in a large sample of patients after kidney transplantation: A KTx360° substudy

M. Nöhre, Hannover


Poster No. P-37

Advances in Xenotransplantation: Evaluation of αGal-KO Porcine livers using Normothermic Machine Perfusion

S. Störzer, Hannover


Poster No. P-38

A 10-year Single Centre Analysis of Liver Retransplantation – Indications and Outcomes

C. van Beekum, Hannover


Poster No. P-39

Car-T cells and trucks that recognize an EBNA-3C-derived epitope presented on HLA-B*35 control Epstein-Barr Virus-associated lymphoproliferation

A. C. Dragon, Hannover


Poster No. P-40

Next generation engineered TCR-T cells with inducible expression of IL-18 as novel tool to treat various EBV-associated malignancies

P. Mausberg, Hannover

Poster No. P-41

Granzyme-B-equipped Exosomes from Cell Lines for Killing of Target Cells (GECKO-T)

A. Bonifacius, Hannover


Poster No. P-42

Multiplexed engineered T cells overcoming antibody-mediated rejection (CORA-TS) multi-specifically deplete alloreactive B cells to prevent transplant rejection


A.C. Dragon, Hannover


Poster No. P-43

“New kid on the block”: UL36-specific T cells contribute significantly to the HCMV-specific T-cell repertoire in healthy individuals

S. Tischer-Zimmermann, Hannover


Poster No. P-44

Effects of the no-touch period on the decellularization process in a murine DCD model

P. Felgendreff, Hannover


Poster No. P-45

Kidney transplantation from octogenerian donors

D. Kleine-Döpke, Hannover


Poster No. P-46

Cost-Effectiveness of Normothermic Machine Perfusion for Liver Transplantation in Germany: A Markov Model Simulation

Z. Qu, Hannover


Poster No. P-47

Changes in pre-transplant gut microbiota reflect disease severity and persist after transplantation

I. Goldschmidt, Hannover


Poster No. P-48

Long-term outcome after liver transplantation for Crigler-Najjar Syndrome. a cohortstudy based on the european liver transplant registry

R. Adam, Hannover


Poster No. P-49

General practitioners‘ role in follow-up care for kidney transplant patients (Galileo-KTx)

K. Afshar, Hannover


Poster No. P-50

Breg analyses and definition in the context of lung transplant

T. Nakagiri, Hannover
